Greg Owen


At some point, you’re going to get the jitters, be distracted by what’s going on ‘out there’ and forget why you’re doing this. To keep things on the straight and narrow, here’s a few things to remember:

Write for you, not them

Use words to help process your thoughts.

Be genuine and don’t overthink

Be yourself and resist the temptation to present a version other than yourself.

Creative practise, not creative genius

Just start, don’t be afraid to be rubbish, you are not the finished article.

Done is better than right

Eat your own dog food. Something done is better that the thought of something great.

Don’t sweat the detail

Perfectionism is the enemy of progress – don’t allow detail to paralyse you.

It’s ok not to have a point

Conversations are better than lectures.

Hold it lightly

Whilst it’s fun to get excited about future possibilities, treat this like an experiment.